I just want to comment on this before I even finish reading because the synchronicity of it is making my brain explode.

My wife and I (deep into our almost 40 year yoga practice) used to call it "lay down meditation".

Like, in the case of a particularly sleepy morning for whatever reason, the question between us:

"Lay down meditation?"

Same technique deployed for our evening meditations when we were too exhausted to safely sit upright for fear of falling asleep and toppling over, even while repeating the sacred mantra "Do Not Fall Out of Bed...".

And 10 minutes was our practice as well - and still is mine.

Beditation! That's priceless.

Thanks for this Anne.

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I love the concept of beditation. It seems so obvious now that you named it. Your journey is difficult, and I send my love and support to you both.

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Thank you. I appreciate you.

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What a gorgeous practice to honour together in bed! I’ve never heard of anyone else do this together before. It’s a new practice to me with my boyf. I’m kind of an “anyone will do” but I’d really like to start with the gratitude you mention and connection in that way. Of precious moments and making memories. And feeling into what we already have.

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